Let's Get the Vibes Party Started
The Vibes Project is kicking into gear next week. Here's what to expect...
I spent the last year researching, learning, and writing about this idea, and it became overwhelming. There were too many ideas and too many threads to follow. I recently found the perfect place to start: at the roots.
If you’d like to catch up, read the introductory posts.
What to Expect
I’ve written a five-post series that will kick things off. You’ll get one post per week for five weeks. The posts are relatively short (~4 minutes to read) and focus on a timeline and story that spans continents and centuries. By the end, one of the cornerstones of the Vibes Project will be in place.
The First Series: The Roots of Cool
When you think of coolness or someone who has a cool vibe, what’s happening? What is it about them that gives off that vibe? The upcoming series will look at the origins of what we now consider coolness.
One of my current beliefs is that vibes (let’s say coolness and nerdiness) are much older than they seem. Our modern conceptions of them reflect the media, popular culture, and stereotypes of the 20th and 21st centuries.
What if, beneath the noise, vibes are more like human traits that have always been with us? What if we can trace an idea like coolness or hipness back to cultures that predate America?
That’s the subject of the first series: The Roots of Cool.
Let’s Do This Together
This project is purely educational and absolutely free. I am doing it out of passion and a belief that better explanations are possible.
I can’t (and don’t want to) do it alone. I hope each post will be a starting point for debate, ideas, and discussion that pushes the project forward. Leave a comment, reply to an email, make a suggestion, and I'll be with you.
Sharing is Caring
Do you know someone who might be interested in this idea? If so, forward this email or send them a link and tell them about it. Post on social media. Maybe something like:
My friend Lee LeFever has started a project to understand and explain “vibes” like coolness and nerdiness. He’s writing a free newsletter called The Vibes Project and I think you’d find it fascinating. I’m a subscriber.
More here: VibeDNA.com.
Thanks for being a part of this project! It means the world to me that you’re here at the beginning. It’s going to be a blast. 🚀